Home » Europe is tired of the “lame ducks” Macron and Scholz, new forces are rising there – Politico

Europe is tired of the “lame ducks” Macron and Scholz, new forces are rising there – Politico

by alex

Both leaders – both France and Germany – cannot cope with increasing economic problems.

Europe is tired of Franco – the German duo who set the strategy for the entire European Union. Other countries want more influence over the bloc's politics.

Politico writes about this.

The article notes that the Berlin-Paris axis has been cracking for a long time due to differences on a number of fundamental issues – from energy to the war in Ukraine. The reliability of this political alliance is also fraught with personal hostility between Macron and Scholz. But for the rest of Europe, it's not even about these differences.

“The new risk for Europe is that Scholz and Macron increasingly look like lame ducks to their colleagues -EU leaders – politically weakened on the domestic front and unable to inspire confidence in the common vision of the union,” writes Politico.

Both leaders – France and Germany – cannot cope with increasing economic problems. Both leaders are losing ground in the electoral field, where far-right forces are growing in their shadow.

“The combination of economic weakness, personal coldness and political weakness is toxic – and critics say it could seriously undermine their credibility during negotiations for top jobs after the European Parliament elections,” Politico notes.

An unnamed official from Brussels, with whom journalists spoke, predicts a resounding defeat for Macron in the elections to the European Parliament. This will call into question Paris's ability to dictate its will to the rest of the European Union.

As Paris and Berlin face loss of influence, other EU leaders see an opportunity to increase their influence. Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine and the weakening of the Franco-German axis, people such as Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Kaja Callas of Estonia and Giorgia Meloni of Italy became major players in the EU arena,” the article notes.

Remember, The Kremlin is preparing sabotage in the EU and is ready to “sacrifice” agents.

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