Home » EU countries at a meeting of the UN Security Council called for a ceasefire in Donbass

EU countries at a meeting of the UN Security Council called for a ceasefire in Donbass

by alex

Following the meeting of the UN Security Council, the EU countries called for a ceasefire in the Donbass, and also expressed concern over the appeal of the State Duma of Russia about the possibility of “recognition” by the Kremlin of the so-called LDNR.

“We urge Russian President Vladimir Putin from such a step,” the message said.

Representatives of the countries specified that they welcome Ukraine's commitment to the Minsk agreements and the ceasefire and call on the Russian Federation to de-escalate.

“We, representatives of the EU countries, support the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders … we call on all signatory countries to adhere to the Minsk agreements, starting with a ceasefire,” the statement says.

It is reported that they promise to continue efforts to peacefully resolve the conflict in Donbass within the framework of the Normandy format.

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