Home » Entire streets burned in Lugansk region due to shelling

Entire streets burned in Lugansk region due to shelling

by alex

On the night of March 17, houses in Rubizhne, Popasnaya and Severodonetsk of the Luhansk region were on fire due to shelling by the Russian military.

– The Russians made hell in Rubizhne. Due to shelling that continued all night, at least 27 houses were on fire, in some places whole streets, – says the head of the regional military administration, Sergei Gaidai.

At least five more fires occurred in Popasna, one in Severodonetsk.

Currently, information about the injured and dead is being specified.

– Dozens of broken destinies in one night. Relatives of townspeople and villagers are dying, houses are burning. However, the Russian army continues to purposefully fire on civilians who are not even allowed to leave safely,” says the head of the Lugansk OVA.

Sergei Gaidai recalled how the Russian military fired on a bus with refugees in Rubizhne, and also the convoy moving on March 16 from Mariupol.

– We barely managed to take women and children out of Popasna. The Russians deprive people of the opportunity to stay at home, because they already have nowhere to live, but do not allow them to protect themselves. But every day we are trying to evacuate as many residents of the region as possible, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to hold the line,” adds the head of the regional military administration.

On March 17, the 22nd day of a full-scale war in Ukraine began. You can follow the situation on the interactive map of hostilities in Ukraine.

For more information about the war in Ukraine – read the news online in the ICTV Facts material.

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