Home » enjoy the meal! Football professional drinks 14 raw eggs a day

enjoy the meal! Football professional drinks 14 raw eggs a day

by alex

Kyu-Hyun Park

Strange diet! Kyu-Hyun Park will strengthen Werder Bremen in the coming season. The South Korean has strange eating habits.

The 20-year-old told “Radio Bremen” that he eats 14 raw eggs a day. He doesn't find that disgusting either, but declares it a delight. “Hmm, it tastes great,” he said into the microphone while eating another egg.

What is the reason for his diet? The explanation is simple: “For the proteins.” He may have copied this from Sylvester Stalone in the iconic Rocky films. There are five raw eggs for breakfast every morning. With 14 eggs, Park easily tops that.

The teammates at the second division take it with humor. “They always ask me: 'Park, are you stupid ?!' or 'Man, are you a weird guy!' Some just call me 'egghead', “he reports. Colleague Kevin Möhwald is open: “If the eggs are on his agenda, then he should be granted it. He definitely looks very fit. Maybe I should give it a try.”

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