Home » “Empty classroom, lamps on desks”: memory of children honored in Donetsk region – poignant video

“Empty classroom, lamps on desks”: memory of children honored in Donetsk region – poignant video

by alex

In the Donetsk region on the eve of Knowledge Day, the memory of children who died under the shelling of Russian invaders was honored. Only in this territory of Ukraine, the Russians killed 124 children, wounded 388. And these are the ones that are known.

These figures are not final – we do not have a complete picture of our losses in Mariupol, Volnovas and other settlements that are now occupied by the Russians. In addition, the victims of Russia's unprovoked war against Ukraine cannot be accurately calculated due to the intense fighting.

124 children will never come to school again

On the eve of the Day of Knowledge in Kramatorsk, the memory of children was honored. In an empty classroom, where the children were supposed to come tomorrow for the first bell, they lit lamps and laid flowers. Empty desks here today are a symbol of a lost childhood, and paper cranes nearby are the souls of dead children.

Notebooks signed with the names of children who will never come to school again … We will definitely return. And the Russians will answer to God and people for all the grief that they brought to our land, – stressed the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Pavel Kirilenko.

Destroyed childhood and stolen life: a painful video for the memory of children

How many children suffered from the Russians

According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, as of the end of August, more than 1114 children suffered at the hands of the Russian occupiers, of which 379 died .

Most of all little Ukrainians suffered in:

  • Donetsk region – 388 children,
  • Kharkiv region – 202,< /li>
  • Kievskaya – 116,
  • Chernigovskaya – 68,
  • Nikolaevskaya – 67,
  • Luganskaya – 61,
  • Kherson – 55,
  • Zaporozhye – 46.

It is also known that due to the bombing and shelling by the armed forces of the Russian Federation, 2,328 educational institutions were damaged, of which 289 were completely destroyed .

Data on children affected by Russian aggression/Infographics of the “Children of War” platform

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