Home » Emergency operation! Dog eats corona mask

Emergency operation! Dog eats corona mask

by alex

One-year-old “Ralph” has always had a preference for socks and knickers. This time, however, a mouth and nose protection blocked his intestines.

With the Cocker male “Ralph” the expression “doggy vacuum cleaner” actually applies. Nothing is safe from the hungry guy. Owner Julie Veidman from Liverpool even had to hide socks and panties to protect the spaniel from major damage. Then the shock: During the night Ralph must have stolen a corona mask from his daughter's pocket, which he then devoured with serious consequences.

The veterinarians of the charity PDSA were amazed when they got the mask whole and still in one piece from “Ralphs” intestine during the emergency operation. The owner just shook her head and said: “I never thought that he would eat mouth and nose protection!” It went well again and maybe “Ralph” now prefers edible things.

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