Home » Electric scooters are banned in London: you cannot ride on the streets and transport in public transport

Electric scooters are banned in London: you cannot ride on the streets and transport in public transport

by alex

Those who try to violate the ban face a fine – 1 thousand pounds sterling

In the capital of Great Britain, due to fires, it is forbidden to ride electric scooters on the streets and transport them in public transport.

This is reported by The Verge.

< p> Transport for London announced a ban on the use of electric scooters from December 13 in the transport of its network. Also, electric scooters cannot be transported on all public transport in London, in particular on the underground and buses. However, shops continue to sell this vehicle as it can be used on private property.

In London, only scooters from the Transport for London rental service are allowed as they pass security checks. Electric bicycles can also be used on the streets.

Those who try to break the ban will face a fine of £ 1,000.

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