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Edge hot for Wrestlemania:

by alex

The Wrestlemania Main Event

WWE superstar Edge is fighting for the Universal title at Wrestlemania 37. We talked to the rated R superstar.

“Today” was at the international Zoom meeting with the 47-year-old, Edge is especially looking forward to the fans and of course wants to win the title.

On the second night, Edge will play the main event against Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan.

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“Every wrestler wants to appear at Wrestlemania at some point. It's just so massive, so many moments and memories are born there. This year it's even more special because we're finally allowed to perform in front of fans again, we'll only realize that when we're in the Stadium, “says Edge.

For the Canadian, the return of fans is not entirely real: “The fans have been stolen from us for so long, now I will soak up everything that happens. I will enjoy every second. The immediate feedback from people is just so important.”

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The Rated R Superstar actually had other plans for Wrestlemania 37: “I really wanted to fight Randy Orton again because I got injured in our second match. But the WWE had other plans, now that's all with the Universal title even more exciting, a dream to fight for the big title. “

In the triple threat, the title should come from: “The match will be like a chess game, very complicated. There are three very different characters involved. Such a chance actually only comes once in a lifetime. Also that I had to give up my title exactly ten years ago , it's all so crazy. “

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