The Telegram office never received a message about Durov's search, but there was a search warrant, not an arrest warrant for its director.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov was banned from leaving France for six months – until March 2025.
As the French magazine Paris Match writes, citing informed sources, the court split the bail of five million euros into parts: the billionaire must pay one million immediately, and the remaining four million must be paid in five monthly payments.
As one of the sources said, the Telegram office “never received a message about the search” for Durov. Instead, there was a search warrant, not an arrest warrant for its director.
The magazine calls Durov the cyber-lord of the world, who “starts every morning with 200 push-ups and 100 squats before taking an ice bath.” In Dubai, he rented a villa of 1,400 “squares” for 84 thousand dollars a month. Now Durov has instructed his aides to find him housing in Paris – and “the budget is unlimited,” sources say.
Recall that Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who was detained in Paris, said during interrogation that he cooperated with French counterintelligence in the fight against terrorism.
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