Home » Dugin first commented on the death of his daughter

Dugin first commented on the death of his daughter

by alex

The main “ideologist of Putin” Alexander Dugin for the first time publicly commented on the death of his daughter Daria. Her car exploded in the Moscow region on the evening of August 20.

Dugin himself completely unreasonably accused Ukraine of the murder of his daughter. By the way, the OP immediately stated that Ukraine had nothing to do with the explosion of the car of Alexander Dugin's daughter.

What Dugin himself said

According to him, the attack was allegedly carried out by “Nazi Ukrainian regime”.

On August 20, when returning from the Tradition festival near Moscow, my daughter Daria Dugina was brutally killed by an explosion in front of my eyes. She was a beautiful Orthodox girl, a patriot, – said the main “ideologist of Putin”.

He also said that his daughter allegedly never called for violence and war. Although in fact it is known that she, like her father, supported Russia's war against Ukraine, arguing that “Ukrainians need to be killed.”

Dugin does not want retribution

Further, in his speech, the ideologist of the Russian world emphasized that they (probably talking about the murderers of his daughter – Channel 24) wanted to suppress the will with bloody terror. What kind of will is being referred to when Dugin speaks about the people who can only fight for a pack of salt in the store, it is not clear.

He also said that he does not seek retribution. He asks Russia to win the bloody war against Ukraine.

My daughter put her maiden life on the altar of victory. Please win, Dugin asked.

The FSB cynically accused Ukraine of blowing up Dughina's car

Russian propagandists immediately reported that Ukrainian special services were behind Dughina's murder. According to their unverified information, the murder was allegedly committed by a citizen of Ukraine, the so-called Natalia Vovk. But she allegedly arrived in Russia on July 23 with her daughter Sofia Shaban.

Moreover, the women, according to infidels, rented an apartment in the house where Dugin lived in Moscow. And to keep track of it, they used a Mini Cooper. The women allegedly managed to change the license plates of the car three times during this time.

Ukraine has nothing to do with it

  • This incident could have happened with the participation of members of the National Republican Army. At the very least, the organization's statement said that its members were taking responsibility for blowing up a car with a dugina that was returning from the “Tradition” festival.
  • The NRA said that they declared officials of the Russian government and regional administrations to be henchmen of the usurper . Those who do not surrender their powers will be destroyed.

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