Home » Duda signed changes to the law on assistance to Ukrainians in Poland: what innovations

Duda signed changes to the law on assistance to Ukrainians in Poland: what innovations

by alex

Duda signed amendments to the law on the length of stay of Ukrainians. The document contains a number of innovations on assistance to Ukrainians.

Polish President Andrzej Duda signed changes to the law on assistance to Ukrainian citizens with temporary protection.

The Polish edition of RAR writes about this.

The law extends the legality of the stay of Ukrainian refugees in Poland until September 30, 2025. In the preliminary version of the document, the temporary protection period for citizens of Ukraine expires on June 30, 2024.

The amendment provides that the appointment and payment of child-rearing benefits depends on whether the child fulfills the obligation of annual school preparation, compulsory school education or the obligation to study in a kindergarten or school belonging to the Polish education system. This means that Ukrainian children in Poland who studied remotely in Ukrainian schools and did not attend Polish educational institutions will now be forced to do so in order not to lose assistance.

The amendment specifies, among other things: a maximum of 36 months during which students can participate in additional free Polish lessons. The decision will apply to students who began participating in classes in the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 academic years. g.

The law provides for the introduction of new rules for confirming the identity of a citizen of Ukraine applying for the number PESEL (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności (PESEL), that is, Universal Electronic population registration system – a digital symbol identifying an individual).

From July 1, financing support in the form of accommodation and food for refugees from Ukraine who are in particularly difficult situations will be possible only on the basis of an agreement concluded with the local voivode or local government.

The law also provides for the abolition of benefits related to compensation of expenses for the stay and food of refugees for Poles who sheltered Ukrainians.

In addition, it is planned to introduce separate grounds for cancellation of a temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine.

“This permit will be withdrawn if it is necessary for reasons of national defense or security or the protection of public safety and order, or if the data of a citizen of Ukraine is included in the list of foreigners whose stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland is undesirable, or if the citizen Ukraine leaves the territory of Poland for a period of at least 6 months,” the message says.

Earlier in Poland they made a new statement about Ukrainians subject to mobilization.

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