Home » Dropped naked out of the window: a Russian nationalist who supported the aggression against Ukraine died in Moscow

Dropped naked out of the window: a Russian nationalist who supported the aggression against Ukraine died in Moscow

by alex

According to preliminary data, Yegor Prosvirnin was intoxicated.

Egor Prosvirnin, a Russian journalist and former editor-in-chief of the nationalist website Sputnik i Pogrom, banned in the Russian Federation, was killed.

This is reported by Moskovsky Komsomolets, Telegram-channels Baza and 112.

A naked man fell out of a fifth-floor window in the center of Moscow. Next to him lay a knife and a gas can, which he allegedly threw away before falling. Soon it became known that this was the Russian nationalist Yegor Prosvirnin. He was 35 years old.

According to preliminary data, the man was intoxicated. Neighbors said that all day in the rented apartment where Prosvinin lived with his family, they heard abuse.

In the morning, the spouse even called the police, but then said that everything was supposedly fine.

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