Home » “Drone production in Russia will be larger by the end of the year”: Berlinskaya on how Ukraine will respond

“Drone production in Russia will be larger by the end of the year”: Berlinskaya on how Ukraine will respond

by alex

Unfortunately, the aggressor has the appropriate resources and capabilities.

By the end of the year, Russia will produce drones on a much larger scale. At the same time, Ukraine has the potential to produce more than 1 million.

Maria Berlinskaya said this in an interview with LIVE News.

According to Berlinskaya, Russia has a short logistics shoulder with China and has scaled up production at several levels.

“The Russian Federation is sowing funds into the private sector, building large-scale production at enterprises and pulling in finished products from other countries”

She adds that 4,000 drones every day is not that difficult for a country like RF.

“I hope that we will reach a larger number than a million by the end of the year. There is potential for this as of the end of July 2024”

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