Home ยป Drinking coffee daily lowers the risk of heart disease

Drinking coffee daily lowers the risk of heart disease

by alex

Drinking coffee daily lowers the risk of heart disease

Drinking coffee daily reduces the risk of heart disease, according to the Medical News portal.

According to the author of the article, Professor of the Heart and Vascular Center of the Semmelweis University in Hungary, Judit Simon, among people who drink three cups of coffee a day, the risk of death from a heart attack is 21% lower, from other cardiovascular diseases – by 17%, for the rest reasons – by 12%.

The experiment involved 468 thousand people without signs of heart disease at the age of about 56 years. The first group included those who do not drink coffee regularly (22.1%), the second – people who drink from half to three cups a day (58.4%), the third – those who drink more than three cups (19 ,5%).

Scientists studied the analyzes of volunteers for 15 years, adjusting them for age, gender, weight, height, bad habits and physical activity.

Earlier, American scientists said that instant coffee can have a positive effect on the body.

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