Home » Dr. Komarovsky revealed an unexpected fact about cough

Dr. Komarovsky revealed an unexpected fact about cough

by alex

Doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky said that coughing outdoors can be beneficial for children

Photo: @doctor_komarovskiy

Doctor and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky revealed an unexpected fact about the cough. In a post posted to Instagram, he explained that coughing outdoors can be beneficial for children.

“If a child has a wet cough while walking, which was not at home, then this is a positive sign, indicating that the child has a chance to cough up the mucus accumulated in the lungs,” the specialist noted. He explained that when the cool air is inhaled, the mucus that has settled in the lungs is moistened, after which the children begin to cough.

The doctor advised in such cases not to take the child home immediately, because returning to the room may negatively affect his condition. “The mucus is moistened, therefore, it has increased in volume – if you stop walking, it will be harder for the child to breathe,” the doctor warned.

Earlier, Komarovsky dispelled the popular myth about the treatment of the common cold. The doctor said that antibiotic solutions for rinsing the nose are ineffective and called this method of treatment “one of the biggest crimes.” He clarified that the drugs, getting into the nose, flow down the back of the pharynx and enter the stomach, which forms antibiotic resistance.

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