Home » Door locks: how secure are new smart lock systems?

Door locks: how secure are new smart lock systems?

by alex

Smart lock systems work without a house key. The smartphone app is used to unlock and lock. How safe is it?

Who doesn't know the following scenario? The front door slams, you want to lock it quickly, desperately looking for the key in your jacket and trouser pockets until you realize: the key is inside. An annoying and, above all, costly mishap.

Smart lock systems

A locksmith service in Vienna costs an average of between 60 and 90 euros on weekdays and up to 200 euros on weekends or at night. This is exactly where smart lock systems come in. This is because these do not require a physical key. How exactly does it work? As with ordinary locks, Smart-Lock systems consist of a lock and a key.

Digital code as a key

The main difference: In this case, the key is a digital code. It is locked and unlocked with the smartphone via an app. Sounds very interesting in theory at first. In practice, however, it looks like most people live in apartments or houses with door locks already installed. And especially in rental apartments, an existing lock cannot simply be replaced. So how compatible and user-friendly are smart lock systems in reality?

Smart home

Martin Pansy is the managing director of the Austrian company “Nuki”, which specializes in smart solutions for the living area. His Smart Lock system has been on the European market since December 2016 and, according to the managing director, works like this: “The system is mounted on the inside of the door above the existing cylinder. We don't replace the existing lock and the key remains in the cylinder. ”The Nuki system is compatible with all house and apartment doors that have an EU cylinder profile. 85-90 percent of Austrian house doors are equipped with such a profile.

Control via smartphone app

Once the Smart-Lock-System has been installed in analog form, it is then controlled digitally using a smartphone app. “You can share access with family members, friends, or neighbors,” explains Pansy. With the help of the app, you can access the system and thus the door lock even remotely or while on vacation. “That also serves as security. If you no longer know whether you are locked or not, the Nuki app will remind you that the door is not locked, ”explains Pansy.

Share access rights

That all sounds very convenient so far – but what if – in the worst case – you lose your smartphone or it is even stolen? Managing Director Martin Pansy also has a solution for this: “If the smartphone is lost, the access authorization can be revoked in the app and then sent to the new smartphone. I don't have to change my door lock. ”In the event that you actually stand in front of the locked door and cannot access your smartphone or an alternative internet-enabled device, the manufacturer recommends that you carry a physical key with you. You can always unlock it in an emergency.

Hacking attacks

Smart or not – in any case, this system cannot manage without analog help. Christian Kudera, IT security expert from SBA Research, also has his doubts, especially when it comes to security against hacking attacks: “We all know a mechanical lock, technology that has been tried and tested for centuries. A digital lock, on the other hand, increases the complexity enormously. As a customer, I have to trust the manufacturer that the system is safe. “

Security and transparency

There are, however, criteria that you can look out for before purchasing a smart lock system: “Some providers advertise on their homepages with tested security certifications. With these certifications, at least a certain minimum standard is achieved. But that alone is not a guarantee. There is no such thing as 100 percent security, ”says Kudera. In addition, one should pay attention to the transparency of the manufacturer. Does he mention on the website that security is important to him? Is there a detailed legal notice and contact details that I can contact in an emergency?

Key systems

In any case, it does not currently look like the smartphone will replace the key in Austria. So far, only 1.5 percent of Austrian households have used a smart door system. With a purchase price of € 199 to € 270, it is at least reasonably affordable. Whether you prefer to stick with the tried and tested key system and invest in a locksmith in an emergency is probably a question of personal preference.

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