Home » Donald Tusk was elected Prime Minister of Poland: how many votes were cast for him

Donald Tusk was elected Prime Minister of Poland: how many votes were cast for him

by alex

Morawiecki will not be able to form a government.

Donald Tusk was elected Prime Minister of Poland. 248 people voted for it, and 201 voted against it; none of the deputies abstained.

This is stated in the RMF message.

Donald Tusk became the new Prime Minister of Poland. The Seimas expressed a vote of confidence to the leader of the Civic Platform.

Previously, the government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki did not receive a vote of confidence. Only 187 deputies from PiS (the Law and Justice party – ed.) present in the hall, and three deputies from the Kukiz'15 group spoke in favor.

Meanwhile, the new Polish government must significantly change its policy towards Ukraine, but not in the context of remaining unchanged goals, but in the ways of building relations. As stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee, MP from the Poland 2050 party Pavel Zalewski, Poland will rebuild its position in the EU and NATO in order to have greater opportunities for influence. Thanks to greater activity in the EU, according to the politician, Poland will become an even more attractive partner for Ukraine.

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