Home ยป Doctors have named ways to relieve stomach pain without drugs

Doctors have named ways to relieve stomach pain without drugs

by alex

Doctors advised to drink chamomile tea for pain in the stomach and bask in the shower

Photo: Pixabay.com

Abdominal pain can be associated with overeating, drinking spicy foods, coffee, excess alcohol and other reasons, doctors said, writes El Espanol.

Experts have named ways to relieve stomach pain without medication. First of all, you need to go to the toilet. Your doctor may advise you to cleanse the liver, as many toxins accumulate in this organ. Organ cleansing will help improve the absorption of certain nutrients.

Massage in the abdomen will help relieve pain, doctors noted. You need to gently press on the skin and make circular movements in the upper and lower abdomen. During the procedure, you need to breathe deeply and try to relax.

A warm shower can relieve stress, tension and discomfort in the lower back at the end of the day, especially a contrast shower. Pain can be relieved by placing a heating pad on the abdomen.

Infusions have excellent relaxing properties and can be another ideal remedy for stomach pain, which is why experts recommend drinking chamomile or ginger teas. Chamomile reduces muscle cramps and general discomfort.

Doctors called yogurt an “ally” for stomach pain. A fermented product that contains beneficial prebiotics to reduce bloating.

Earlier, the doctor and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky advised to immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance if the pain is localized in the right lower abdomen, if there are traces of blood in the feces or vomit, and if there are any problems with urination.

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