Home » Doctors call manifestations of Indian strain of coronavirus

Doctors call manifestations of Indian strain of coronavirus

by alex

Pulmonologist Alexei Nikishenkov and other experts called the manifestations of the “delta” variant of the Indian strain of coronavirus. According to the doctor, the infection often causes disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: it was this symptom that Russians began to complain about, TASS reports.

Nikishenkov said that usually doctors do not know what strain the patient has contracted, since they do not conduct research on the coronavirus subspecies. However, the doctor noted that with the spread of the “delta” variant of the Indian strain of COVID-19, Russians began to complain of diarrhea and abdominal pain. “This symptom was added to what was before, namely – cough, weakness, myalgia,” – he stressed.

Similar manifestations of the Indian strain were noticed by the immunologist Vladimir Bolibok. He said that the “delta” variant is characterized by such a symptom as “gastric syndrome” or “gastric covid”. Often, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea are added to the already known signs of the disease, Bolibok noted.

Virologist Viktor Larichev, in turn, believes that the symptoms of the Wuhan strain of coronavirus persisted in the Indian one. “The symptoms are the same. With all infectious diseases, the temperature rises first of all – this is how it was and remains, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the Russians were told about a new property of the Indian strain of coronavirus. It affects the receptors of the upper respiratory tract less frequently than the gastrointestinal tract.

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