68% of patients with coronavirus infection complained of a dry cough, according to the British edition of the Mirror, citing doctors interviewed.
According to them, it differs in that it “comes from the lungs” and does not produce phlegm. At the same time, experts noted that such a cough may indicate other diseases, for example, asthma or gastroesophageal reflux disease. In addition, it can occur in smokers or allergy sufferers.
Doctors advised not to self-medicate, but to see a doctor. If the cough does not stop for a long time or is accompanied by fever and loss of smell, it is recommended to undergo a PCR test for coronavirus.
As the website kp.ru previously wrote, an immunologist-allergist Vladimir Bolibok said that shortness of breath is the most dangerous symptom of coronavirus infection.
The specialist noted that the loss of smell was the most characteristic symptom of the coronavirus, but the situation has changed with the spread of new strains. Patients were less likely to complain about the lack of smell. And symptoms such as cough and high fever differ little from the symptoms of SARS. This complicates the diagnosis of coronavirus.