Home » Doctor Komarovsky called a way to eliminate a common bad habit

Doctor Komarovsky called a way to eliminate a common bad habit

by alex

Doctor Komarovsky: if a child constantly sucks his finger, then he may develop eczema

Photo: Pixabay

Doctor and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky warned about the danger of a common childhood habit and named a way to eliminate it. On the air of the program “Ask Komarovsky” on the TV channel “Ukraine”, he told how parents to deal with the fact that the child is sucking his thumb.

The specialist said that if a child constantly sucks his thumb, then he may have health problems. According to Komarovsky, due to a bad habit, a child may experience irritation on the skin or even develop such a chronic disease as eczema.

“You must understand that you can get rid of some kind of pacifier, you cannot get rid of a finger. Therefore, the first task is to replace the finger with a dummy, ”the doctor emphasized and added that parents can buy a child several dummies at once, of different colors, materials and weights, so that he can choose the one he likes. After that, according to the TV presenter, it is necessary to gradually wean the child from the dummy.

Earlier, Komarovsky denied the popular myth associated with the treatment of ARVI. The doctor said that if you have a cold, you should not avoid cold drinks. He explained that with ARVI, cold relieves the condition of the tonsils.

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