Home » Disco operators romp after gastro summit

Disco operators romp after gastro summit

by alex

Empty disco

The local night gastronomy has been closed for almost a year. After the lockdown summit, the opening has moved into an almost unreachable distance.

On Monday, the Austrian Federal Government's gastro summit took place, which made the decision to open the pub gardens at the end of March. Not a single word was said about night gastronomy – now the Association of Austrian Night Gastronomers (VÖNG) is raging and is calling for a round table with the federal government. Night gastronomy has been left out for months.

It now seems as if an opening in this area has moved into an unreachable distance. “Even if you have done excellent business, it is impossible to keep a business going for a year without adequate financial support from the state,” emphasizes Stefan Ratzenberger, chairman of the Association of Austrian Night Gastronomers. “But to have a perspective and the hope of surviving economically and not being 'faded out' in all decision-making processes,” said Ratzenberger.

Criticism is particularly voiced because all financial support and all easing steps in the tourism industry are aimed purely at the hotel and day catering business.

Last year, the federal government did not address the requirements and the special features of night-time gastronomy in any way, nor did it during the gastro summit.

Financial support from the state cannot ensure the survival of this industry either. The fixed cost subsidy with a cap of 90% inevitably leads to (delayed) bankruptcy, because 100 percent of the fixed costs have been paid for a year – 10 percent by the night restaurateurs themselves, who have had no income for 12 months. Not to forget the preservation of the personal standard of living. Here, too, countless “personal bankruptcies” are to be expected, the association notes.

For this reason, it is called for “finally to create a separate and legally binding definition for night-time gastronomy. This is the only way tailor-made help can be specified and help where it is urgently needed.” A round table with the federal government is therefore “urgently needed”.

The association is also disappointed that “countless concepts have been presented in the past few months”, but “not one has been pursued”.

“It almost seems as if they wanted to keep us pondered and busy with hope,” said Ratzenberger.

Now the “flexibility and willingness to develop concepts and preparatory work”, which is constantly required by night-time gastronomy, is required by the Austrian federal government, according to the association. “There are ways to save night gastronomy. But you have to act and help quickly and efficiently!”

In addition, the Association of Austrian Night Gastronomers expects a move away from the “constant announcement policy towards realpolitik and thus towards perspective and planning.” , but appropriate support must be guaranteed. There is currently nothing. Not even light at one end of the tunnel, because even this is missing, “says Ratzenberger.

The main demand: the round table with Tourism Minister Köstinger, Finance Minister Blümel and Health Minister Anschober.

“We have to present our precarious situation to the political leaders and decision-makers in order to work together on a quick and efficient solution. Otherwise we will see the end of domestic night-time gastronomy heralded and inevitable!” Explains Ratzenberger.

Finally, Ratzenberger reminds us that the value chain of Austrian night gastronomy goes far beyond bars, clubs, discos, etc. DJs, light and sound technicians, security and cleaning companies, taxi companies and, for example, sausage stand operators, as well as suppliers and producers, all posted heavy losses. Numerous jobs shake everywhere.

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