Home » Dirt and dead mice: photos from the Belgian parliament leaked to the Network

Dirt and dead mice: photos from the Belgian parliament leaked to the Network

by alex

Photos taken in the Belgian Parliament building were posted on social networks: dead mice, dangling electrical wires, inconvenient parking, stains on the walls, computers from a bygone era, large holes in ceilings and walls, dirty toilets.

“The parliament buildings symbolize the state of the country. They can no longer be repaired, ”users write.

The depiction of a dead mouse is described by them as “the symbol of present-day Belgium.”

The publication drew a flurry of criticism not only from ordinary Belgians, but also from officials. The latter, by the way, doubted the authenticity of the pictures.

Dirt and dead mice: photos from the Belgian parliament leaked to the Network

Photos from the Belgian Parliament leaked to the Network

Photos from the Belgian Parliament leaked to the Network

“You must admit that such photos can be taken anywhere,” says Elian Tillier, president of one of the chambers of parliament . – I assure you that we are constantly servicing. It is necessary to find this anonymous author so that he is not afraid to identify himself. But if the photos are really taken in our building, then these problems need to be addressed. “

Belgian journalists conducted an investigation and found out that many of the subscribers of the mysterious “whistleblowers” are close to one and the nationalist parties.

Dirt and dead mice: photos from the Belgian parliament leaked to the Network

The publication drew a flurry of criticism not only from ordinary Belgians, but also from officials.

The publication drew a flurry of criticism not only from ordinary Belgians, but also from officials.

Currently, Brussels is trying to figure out who really posted the photo, and whose identity is hiding under a pseudonym.

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