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Digital administration and laptops for nö. Kindergartens

by alex

The paperwork in the Lower Austrian kindergartens should come to an end. The first online training has now started.

The Lower Austrian state kindergartens are getting a standardized digital administration program, and the test run has already started. Online training courses are currently running in 46 state kindergartens including the associated municipalities and offices in all Lower Austrian districts for all those who are now to test the new digital kindergarten administration program “noeKIGAnet” for use on a large scale.

In the kindergarten area, the state of Lower Austria had already started to develop the kindergarten administration program in 2019 in order to facilitate organizational processes and create a central digital interface for kindergarten-relevant data. The computer system is intended to simplify administration and reduce bureaucracy in kindergarten. The aim is to relieve all people who are involved in kindergarten administrative processes.

“The elimination of copying activities and the curbing of paperwork and manual paper transfers with all the associated susceptibility to errors are positive side effects of this new program. The last few weeks and months in particular have shown us how important digital systems and a functioning interface management are, ”explains the responsible loading councilor Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister.

The delivery of laptops to all 1,060 state kindergartens in Lower Austria is also currently underway. The delivery should be completed by the semester break. Then all kindergartens should be technically equipped for the new administration program.

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