Home » “Died from a head wound”: shot “ex-minister” of “LNR” found in Moscow region — media

“Died from a head wound”: shot “ex-minister” of “LNR” found in Moscow region — media

by alex

The body of "ex-minister" "LPR" Konstantin Zavizenov was found in the Istra district on a plot of land in his country house.

In Russia, in the Moscow region, an “ex- Minister of Fuel, Energy and Coal Industry of the so-called “LNR” Konstantin Zavizenov.

This is reported by the VChK-OGPU with reference to its own sources.

“He died from a head wound. Police officers who arrived at the scene found his minor son in the house, as well as several hunting rifles. According to the child, his father drank vodka and talked to him about life. Then he planned to go to a hotel to sleep, and in the morning to pick up the guns and go hunting in Kamchatka,” it says. message.

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What is known about Konstantin Zavizenov

Zavizenov was born in Russian Perm. The 50-year-old Russian worked in the investment departments of the Russian Ministry of Energy, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Energy, and also in the Rosenergoatom concern.

As the source notes, in 2010-2016, Zavizenov was the director risk management at Inter RAO UES, Russia's largest energy company, which was headed in 2010 by the son of Putin's asset custodian, Boris Kovalchuk.

In August 2022, Zavizenov was appointed “minister” of fuel, energy and coal industry of the illegal formation of the LPR.

Earlier, two infidels who abused Ukrainian prisoners in the Kharkov region were identified. Their photos are already online.

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