Home » Detention in Romania of Ukrainians who attacked a border guard in Transcarpathia – new details (photo)

Detention in Romania of Ukrainians who attacked a border guard in Transcarpathia – new details (photo)

by alex

Two Ukrainian citizens who attacked a border guard in the Transcarpathian region were detained in Romania.

Border guards in Romania two citizens of Ukraine were detained on suspicion of attacking a Ukrainian border guard in the Rakhiv region of Transcarpathia. The attack took place at the Dilove station – the men attacked a law enforcement officer, took his pistol, fired five shots in his direction and fled in the direction of Romania. There they were already detained by Romanian border guards.

As journalist Vitaly Glagola said, the attackers turned out to be 35-year-old Andrey Boyarko and 30-year-old Roman Nezhizhim from Zaporozhye.

Задержание в Румынии украинцев, напавших на пограничника на Закарпатье – новые подробности (фото)

Задержание в Румынии украинцев, напавших на пограничника на Закарпатье – новые подробности (фото)

Currently they detained by the Romanian border service. Law enforcement agencies are preparing materials for their extradition from Romania.

Recall that we previously wrote about what will be done with evaders detained at the border.

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