Home » Details of the situation with the dubious doping test of Valieva became known

Details of the situation with the dubious doping test of Valieva became known

by alex

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva passed a questionable doping test in December 2021

Camila Valieva. Photo: Aleksandra Szmigiel / Reuters

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva passed a questionable doping test before the Olympics in December 2021. Details of the situation became known to the publication “Championship.com”.

According to the source, the doping test showed the presence of a prohibited substance in a microdose. The name of the drug is not disclosed, but it is clarified that it could not have an impact on improving the sports performance of the figure skater.

The name of the athlete who passed the suspicious test was revealed by the portal Inside the Games

The portal Inside the Games published information that the previously unnamed skater, whose test was recognized as problematic, is 15-year-old Valieva. The material of the publication notes that, since the figure skater is not yet 16 years old, the proceedings on a possible violation of anti-doping rules will be held in a special mode. This also means that, if suspicions are confirmed, the skater will face a less severe punishment than adult athletes.

In Russia, information about a dubious sample from Valieva was called nonsense and a hunt for Tutberidze's students

Honored coach of Russia in figure skating Tatyana Tarasova said she did not believe this information. “Delirium, delirium and again delirium,” the coach responded. State Duma deputy Irina Rodnina, in a commentary to RIA Novosti, said that this was a hunt for Tutberidze's students. “I will say this, our girls have been hunted for a long time, especially for those who train with Eteri Tutberidze. Now you just need to wait for official information, ”she added.

The lawyer said that Russia is not threatened with automatic annulment of the result of the team tournament

According to sports lawyer Artem Patsev, the Russians cannot be automatically deprived of the award if the sample was taken outside the competitive period.

Russian figure skaters took first place in the team tournament of the Beijing Olympics on February 7. In addition to Valieva, the Russian team was represented by Mark Kondratyuk, Anastasia Mishina, Alexander Gallyamov, Victoria Sinitsina, Nikita Katsalapov.

Olympiad team tournament postponed due to suspicious doping test

On February 9, Inside the Games also reported that the Russian national skater, who competed in the team tournament in Beijing, passed a dubious test before the Games. In this regard, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held legal consultations with the International Skating Union (ISU) and postponed the awards ceremony for the Olympic team tournament.

During the team tournament, the 15-year-old athlete entered the history of figure skating, becoming the first woman who managed to perform a quadruple jump as part of the Olympics.

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