Home » Destructive consequences of nuclear war revealed

Destructive consequences of nuclear war revealed

by alex

Scientists at Rutgers University in the United States have discovered that large-scale use of nuclear weapons during the war will lead to unprecedented climate change in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, which will reduce the population of algae by 40 percent and reduce fish catches. This was reported in an article published in Communications Earth & Environment magazine.

The researchers modeled climate change in six nuclear war scenarios, with a focus on the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The scenarios included a major conflict between the US and Russia and five smaller wars between India and Pakistan. The use of nuclear weapons will cause huge fires, which will cause millions of tons of soot to enter the upper atmosphere, blocking sunlight.

In addition, the most disastrous impact was a climatic event like El Niño, lasting seven years. Such a “nuclear Niño” will lead to the cessation of precipitation in the area between the Indian and Pacific oceans and equatorial Africa due to a cold snap. At the same time, the rise of deep cold waters along the equator in the Pacific Ocean will stop, reducing the amount of nutrients required for phytoplankton. Together with the hindered photosynthesis due to reduced sunlight, this will destroy the marine food webs.

The results of the study refute the popular claim that in the event of a nuclear war, mankind can avoid hunger by using the food resources of the oceans.

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