Home » Destroyed the administrative building, production and ecosystem: how the day went in Kharkiv region

Destroyed the administrative building, production and ecosystem: how the day went in Kharkiv region

by alex

The Russians continue to shell the Kharkiv region/Collage of Channel 24, illustrative photos

The Russians continue to inflict horrific blows on Kharkov and the region. On the night of June 16, there were also enemy shellings.

Occupiers do not stop shelling Kharkiv region

Anna Chernenko, a correspondent from Kharkiv, spoke about the current situation and events of the past day in the region of Channel 24. According to her, a big explosion was heard in the regional center at night – it “flew” in the Industrial District of the city.

In addition, the Russians fired at settlements in the north and east of the Kharkiv region, in particular – Bazalievka, Lebyazhe, Zolochiv, Udy , Upper Saltov.

Due to enemy shelling, 3 fires broke out in the region. The administrative building, production and ecosystem were destroyed – probably a field.

The journalist recalled that yesterday, June 15, Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov published new statistics of destruction. In a conversation with Polish President Andrzej Duda, he said that in Kharkiv alone, during the full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine, 3,584 houses and 468 administrative buildings were damaged. Of these:

  • 109 schools,
  • 99 kindergartens,
  • 50 medical institutions.

In addition, on June 15, Prosecutor General of Ukraine Irina Venediktova and Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Khan visited Kharkiv. They inspected one of the most affected areas of the city – the center and Saltovka, where there are a large number of damaged and destroyed private houses and high-rise buildings.

Anna Chernenko emphasized and confirmed the words of the military that the infidels are preparing to attack in some directions in the Kharkiv region, and the assault did not stop on some. Izyum region will remain the most difficult sector.

However, according to the journalist, information that has not yet been officially confirmed has begun to appear that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have about 10 kilometers left to Izyum.

It is clear that every kilometer here is difficult, and there are battles for every kilometer, but we still believe that the Izyum region, which has long been under the control of the Russians, will be returned in the same way as other temporarily occupied territories of the Kharkiv region and Ukraine. – emphasized Anna Chernenko.

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