Home » Despite the corona crisis, Austrians are very generous when it comes to donations

Despite the corona crisis, Austrians are very generous when it comes to donations

by alex

For the first time, the total donation volume will reach 750 million euros.

This morning, the Fundraising Association Austria, the umbrella association of donation organizations, presented the donation report 2020 with a forecast for this year's donations. Many are affected by declines due to the cancellation of charity events and fundraising.

“Nevertheless, the total volume will reach the mark of 750 million euros for the first time. 6.5 million people or 73 percent of the population actively participate in donations. For the first time women give more than men”, it said in a broadcast. “When comparing federal states, western Austrians lead the way in terms of donations, while Lower Austria and Burgenland have the highest proportion of donors. Four out of five euros donated are checked by the Austrian donation seal of approval – this makes Austria one of the safest donor countries.”

And it goes on: “With an increase in donations of 40 million euros in the previous year, expectations were clearly exceeded. The Austrians donated 725 million euros to a good cause in 2019 – more than ever before. Despite the corona pandemic and massive restrictions on public life, it is growing The generosity of the people continues. In 2020, a new donation record is expected to be set at 750 million euros. “

Strongly increased volunteer work

“During the crisis, the Austrian population not only demonstrated great discipline, but also set new standards of solidarity. A strong increase in volunteer work, for example in neighborhood help, is one side of this development, while increasing donation participation is the other. Austria's donation organizations say thank you from the bottom of their hearts! ”, Says Günther Lutschinger, Managing Director of the Fundraising Association Austria.

The lockdown in spring brought the Austrian donation system to a complete standstill for a short time. But the Austrians reacted with great flexibility and increasingly donated via online channels. From March to September there was a 59 percent increase in online donations.

Heavy losses this year

“The downer is that many organizations that focus on charity events and cash collections have to cope with heavy losses this year,” says Lutschinger.

Overall, it remains to be seen how the appeals for donations will affect the Christmas season. These usually make up 25 to 30% of the total volume.

The comparison of federal states

This year, Lower Austria and Burgenland with 79 percent are the leaders among the federal states in terms of participation in donations. The most generous are again the Salzburg, Tyrolean and Vorarlbergers. At 146 euros, the average donation is particularly high and is well above the national average of 124 euros.

Burgenland and Lower Austria are also significantly above average with 144 euros, while Upper Austria with 119 euros and Vienna with 110 euros per donor are lower. Styria and Carinthia occupy last place nationwide – both in terms of donations (95 euros) and participation (65 percent).

Women donate more on average

“In terms of donation goals that are most important to Austrians, this year, for the first time, animals take first place with 33 percent approval, followed by children and disaster relief at home, for the first time,” explains Bernhard Hofer, Managing Director of the Public Social Research Institute Opinion. There is also a change in the gender ratio: For the first time, women have a higher average donation than men. The payment slip remains the most popular means of donating money from Austrians.

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