Home » Described paralyzing Russia kick USA

Described paralyzing Russia kick USA

by alex

The US has forces that could cause a gouge in Russia. American opportunities in the publication “Military-industrial courier” described the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of rocket and artillery Sciences on information policy, doctor of military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov.

According to the expert, the Americans “can be based mostly on marine cruise missiles (slcm) and the air (krwb) – based, strategic, tactical and carrier aviation”.

“The armament of the Navy [naval forces] the US sea-launched cruise missiles having a range of up to 1,600 kilometers (according to other sources — up to 2400 kilometers), provide defeat the purpose of fighting part of 340-450 kg with accuracy of 5-10 meters”, — says the author.

Sivkov has estimated that “potentially on the U.S. Navy ships may be placed up to 4,000 sea-launched cruise missiles and 1100 — submarines”, of which can really be applied not more than 3000 slcm. The expert is sure that “whole group of US strategic aircraft can make the departure of about 1200 krvb”.

“In addition to missiles within the first strike may be up to 2500-3000 aircraft of tactical and carrier-based aircraft, capable of striking targets in the depth of 600 kilometers from the border,” — says the author.

As the expert added, are “quite an impressive force and in the absence of an effective response can incapacitate in the first blow to thousands of important objects on the territory of Russia or China”, but this should be preceded by a long preparation and an appropriate information campaign.

The author notes that for the duration of such an attack can last several hours, but the Russian or Chinese leadership will be 10-15 minutes for a decision about a retaliatory nuclear strike.

In February 2018, the doctor of military Sciences, member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of rocket and artillery Sciences, the captain of the first rank Konstantin Sivkov suggested for the destruction of threatening the life of people on Earth asteroids to create a fusion megarocket over 210 billion dollars.

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