Home » Descendant of Austro-Hungarian Emperor Calls for Making Russia Smaller

Descendant of Austro-Hungarian Emperor Calls for Making Russia Smaller

by alex

The Austrian politician noted that he does not yet see signs of the collapse of the Russian state, but this is possible.

The grandson of the last emperor of Austria-Hungary, Karl von Habsburg, who is a member of the Austrian parliament, stated the need for Europeans to achieve the collapse of the Russian state, which, according to him, is a classic colonial empire.

The descendant of Emperor Charles I spoke about this in his traditional annual speech at the Pan-European Movement forum that he heads.

“Today's Russia is in fact a very classic colonial empire, led by Moscow. This begins with the economic exploitation of colonies and continues with the oppression of the people of this colonial empire, right up to the attempt to use them as cannon fodder in a colonial war against Ukraine. Europe, which is interested in the security of its citizens, must begin developing scenarios for the collapse of the Moscow colonial empire as soon as possible,” said Karl von Habsburg.

At the same time, he recalled the words that a participant from Ukraine said at a conference of the Post-War Russia Forum last December: “Great Russia brings big problems, small Russia – small problems.” Karl von Habsburg specified that he was talking specifically about the modern Moscow colonial empire.

The Austrian politician noted that he does not yet see signs of the collapse of the Russian state, but, according to him, the fall of the Assad regime in Syria was also unexpected for everyone.

Recall that earlier foreign policy experts predicted that in the coming years Russia would either disintegrate or turn into a failed state.

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