Home » Demand for antidepressants has increased in Russia

Demand for antidepressants has increased in Russia

by alex

Demand for antidepressants among Russians increased by 43 percent

Photo: Pixabay

In Russia, the demand for drugs for the treatment of mental disorders has increased. Izvestia writes about this with reference to data from the analytical company DSM Group.

According to the publication, over the past month, sales of antidepressants increased by 43 percent, antipsychotics – by 35 percent compared to the same period in 2021. Most often, patients complain of sleep disturbance, depression and anxiety.

Doctors attribute this demand to the post-COVID syndrome, uncertainty about the future, and general anxiety caused by the pandemic. Also, many began to experience neurosis and depression when switching to a remote work format.

Earlier, psychiatrist Olga Bukhanovskaya said that schizophrenic psychoses and bipolar affective disorders may begin in those who have recovered from COVID-19. She explained that this is due to prolonged oxygen starvation of cells, including nerve cells. She noted that it is especially dangerous for the brain.

In January, Varvara Morosanova, head of the psychology and self-regulation laboratory at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, said that the coronavirus pandemic caused a pandemic of psychological uncertainty. According to her, the new pandemic causes no less severe consequences than COVID-19. She explained that the problem with a sharp increase in uncertainty is that it causes stress in most people, which at high degrees can turn into clinical syndromes.

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