Home » Deepfakes, Ddos attacks, lies: Google representative at the UN meeting crushed Russian propaganda

Deepfakes, Ddos attacks, lies: Google representative at the UN meeting crushed Russian propaganda

by alex

Cohen spoke about Russian propaganda at the UN Security Council meeting/Channel 24 collage

At a meeting of the UN Security Council on June 21, Jared Cohen, head of Jigsaw, part of Google, utterly defeated Russian propaganda. He told what tools the aggressor country uses in the information war against Ukraine.

Jared Cohen noted that over the past 8 years Ukraine has experienced powerful cyber attacks the most in the world. In addition, Russia uses many other propaganda methods in the war with Ukraine.

What methods does propaganda use?

Cyber ​​attacks

First of all, Jared Cohen singled out cyber attacks, including Ddos attacks. According to him, such actions of the Russians make it difficult for Ukrainians to access government agencies, banks, and the like.

Pay attention!Hacker attacks on Ukrainian sites and resources became widespread not only during the full-scale war, but also the day before. In January 2022, a large-scale cyber attack was carried out on the websites of Ukrainian government agencies. Subsequently, Ukrainian banks were also attacked. In anticipation of a full-blown invasion, the Channel 24 site suffered a DDoS attack. However, after a full-scale invasion, such cases have become more frequent.


In addition, Cohen noted another tool of Russian propagandists. It's about deepfakes. In order to denigrate the Ukrainians and the Ukrainian president, the Russians are actively using this tool.

Here it is worth mentioning the “masterpiece of Russian propaganda” – a deepfake with Vladimir Zelensky, where our president allegedly tells the Armed Forces to lay down their arms and stop resisting. The work of propagandists caused only laughter and nothing more.

Fake fact-checking

Jared Cohen also noted the Russians' attempts to “control” the narrative about the war, which the aggressor country does not call a war. In order to accuse Ukraine of lies, Russia uses false fact-checking, which allegedly “debunk Ukrainian fakes”.

Cohen noted that propagandists take such actions in order to assure people that it is they who are telling the truth.

False testimony

Another method of propagandists, which Jared Cohen mentioned at a meeting of the UN Security Council, is the use of false testimony to provoke violence and justify it. As an example, Cohen cited the introduction of the term “Nazis” in relation to Ukrainians to show our people as a “fiend” in order to justify the war. The head of the Jigsaw company emphasized that this is what led to the commission of war crimes by the Russian invaders on the territory of our state.

Important! For false evidence, Russian infidels often use kidnapped and captured Ukrainians. Under pressure, infidels are forced to give comments to our citizens to propagandists. Unfortunately, there are many such cases. For example, infidels forced Vitaly Troyan, the head of the Energodar fire station, to give comments. Fortunately, the rescuer managed to return from Russian captivity.

Disconnection from the Ukrainian Internet

Jared Cohen also highlighted the problem regarding the temporarily occupied territories. Russian invaders are cutting off these territories from the Ukrainian Internet and connecting them to the Russian one.

The borders remain a matter of dispute, but the digital limits have already been frozen, Cohen emphasized.

It is also worth noting that Russian infidels are trying to connect the temporarily occupied territories to Russian communication networks.

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