Home » Declassified documents on executions of Soviet citizens by Nazi accomplices

Declassified documents on executions of Soviet citizens by Nazi accomplices

by alex

Declassified documents on executions of Soviet citizens by Nazi accomplices. Materials from the times of the Great Patriotic War were provided to RIA Novosti by the Office of the FSB of Russia in the Omsk region, where archival documents of the military counterintelligence SMERSH (short for “Death to spies!”) Are stored.

We are talking about the materials collected by the SMERSH authorities in 1943 after the liberation of the Oryol region by Soviet troops. It turned out that Hitler's accomplices from among the traitors to the Soviet people massacred civilians, including children. At the same time, they were accused of having links with the partisans and helping them.

The Nazis occupied areas in the Oryol region, where they deployed a network of punitive detachments, “with the help of which they carried out repression and mass atrocities against civilians.” This is stated in a special note from the head of SMERSH of the 11th Guards Army of the Guards Colonel Nikolai Mitrofanov to the head of the SMERSH Department of the Western Front, Lieutenant General Pavel Zelenin in August 1943. Particular atrocities were observed in the settlements of the Znamensky District of the Oryol Region, where a punitive detachment called the “Ukrainian Company”, created by the Germans in June 1942, headed by a certain Getman, operated. According to Mitrofanov, over 200 Soviet citizens were executed there during the occupation.

“The detachment consisted of persons hostile to the Soviet regime, in the past convicted kulaks, merchants and other hostile elements, who were given the unlimited right to execute executions and robberies,” Mitrofanov noted in the note. The punitive detachment “on the instructions of the German occupation authorities, under the guise of fighting partisans, carried out the mass destruction of the Russian people.” The Nazis killed those who could not be used as slaves because of age or illness, and pregnant women were also shot.

As another proof of the barbarity of the “Ukrainian Company”, the words of a native of the village of Peshkovo Yekaterina Golovanova are quoted. Her interrogation as a witness was conducted in July 1943 by the Assistant Military Prosecutor of the 16th Guards Army, Major of Justice Mohanov. According to her, Hetman's detachment in July 1942 shot 28 civilians in the village of Senki. “I personally heard how the children, crying, asked the punishers:“ Don't beat us, leave us alive, ”but the monsters did not spare the children, they shot and then dug a hole,” Golovanova's words are quoted in the document.

On September 2, the Russian Ministry of Defense published documents on the end of World War II. They reveal the details of three major operations carried out in the Far East – the Manchurian strategic, the Yuzhno-Sakhalin offensive and the Kuril airborne assault.

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