Home » Deadly Hurricane Rages in US: Elements Have Already Killed More Than 40 People

Deadly Hurricane Rages in US: Elements Have Already Killed More Than 40 People

by alex

The hurricane caused severe flooding in the states of Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina.

Hurricane “Helen” has been raging in the United States for the third day. It has claimed the lives of at least 44 people. The storm has spread to five states.

The Associated Press reports this.

According to the publication, the largest number of victims was recorded in South Carolina. There, 19 people died. Most of them were killed by falling trees.

The hurricane has been assigned a category four danger on the five-point Saffir-Simpson scale. Wind gusts are 225 kilometers per hour. Georgia Governor Brian Camp said dozens of people remain trapped under the rubble of destroyed homes and rescue services are trying to free them.

В США бушует смертоносный ураган: стихия уже убила более 40 человек

About four thousand National Guardsmen, 450 special vehicles, as well as helicopters and boats are taking part in the rescue operations. Residents have been warned that emergency evacuations may be necessary.

The storm and flooding have knocked out life support systems. More than 4.6 million homes and businesses are currently without power.

Hurricane Helen is the seventh-most powerful hurricane in Florida and the 14th-most powerful hurricane in the United States on record.

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