Home ยป Dead bodies of free riders found in container with fertilizers on cargo ship

Dead bodies of free riders found in container with fertilizers on cargo ship

by alex

The bodies of free riders were found in a container with fertilizers that was sent by ship from Serbia to Paraguay. The board was on the way for about three months, while the food supplies from the refugees were calculated for only three days. Reported by Reuters.

The bodies were found by the manager of the fertilizer company upon opening the container. According to him, the corpses were completely decomposed – only bones, hair and clothes remained from them. At the same time, a hole was also found in the container, which they made for themselves for ventilation.

In the belongings of the two victims, documents were found in the names of Moroccan citizens. According to investigators, they wanted to go to a closer settlement without a ticket, but they did not calculate the distance.

Last year, an identical index occurred in the UK. The bodies of 39 people who tried to get into the country were found in the container. According to some sources, they are all citizens of China, according to others, the majority are Vietnamese. Cause of death is said to be frostbite or lack of oxygen. In the UK, three people were detained in this case. Eight more suspects were detained in Vietnam.

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