Home ยป Danger of tangled wires explained

Danger of tangled wires explained

by alex

Plugged and tangled wires can damage the equipment, cause a short circuit, or cause injury to the person who touches them. The technical expert of the ANO Center “Independent Expertise” Ivan Simonov warned about the danger, the agency “Prime” reports.

According to the specialist, modern electronics is very sensitive to the loss of contact with the electrical network or with another device, therefore, a breakdown in the contact in the wires can lead to a complete or partial failure of the equipment.

He advised to make sure that the wires do not have kinks, and that nearby cables do not cross. If the cord from the device is too long, it must be twisted and then secured with threads or thin elastic wires. In this case, the equipment will serve for a long time and will not injure the owner.

In addition, tangled wires are associated with a serious inconvenience in the operation of devices. So, if one wire is touched, then all the others will be touched at the same time, and this can lead to partial loss of wires from connectors or electrical outlets. It is also more difficult to disconnect them from the outlet, since it is not clear what the separate cord refers to, and adjacent wires will interfere with the process.

Earlier, a battery technology expert named a common mistake when charging a smartphone that leads to reduced battery life. To avoid this, you need to quickly remove the phone from charging if the battery indicator shows 100 percent.

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