Home ยป Danger of drinking coffee for breakfast disclosed

Danger of drinking coffee for breakfast disclosed

by alex

Morning coffee on an empty stomach can trigger type 2 diabetes. The research results are disclosed in the British Journal of Nutrition.

British doctors conducted an experiment, according to the conditions of which two groups of subjects had to drink coffee on an empty stomach. The participants of the first group were given a sweet caffeinated drink, the second – black coffee, and only half an hour later they were offered a drink with sugar. They took blood samples from the patients and found that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can be a harbinger of a dangerous disease.

In particular, it was found that drinking coffee before breakfast increases blood sugar by about 50 percent. In the future, this may lead to a violation of the body's glucose tolerance and cause type 2 diabetes. At the same time, the quality of sleep did not affect the results of the final study.

The doctors concluded that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is dangerous. The doctors clarified that the effect of coffee on the human body after waking up had not been studied before this study.

In November 2019, Australian scientists named the dangerous number of cups of coffee a day. Drinking more than six cups of caffeinated beverages can be harmful to the body, they said. At the same time, moderate consumption of coffee has a positive effect on the body.

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