Home » Danger of artificial Christmas tree revealed

Danger of artificial Christmas tree revealed

by alex

Doctor Tyazhelnikov urged allergy sufferers to wash artificial spruce and choose a menu for the New Year

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Andrei Tyazhelnikov, chief freelance specialist in primary health care for the adult population of the Moscow Department of Health, said that the traditional attributes of the New Year can be dangerous for allergy sufferers, RIA Novosti reports.

Tyazhelnikov called the New Year a difficult time for allergy sufferers, since even Christmas trees can cause a reaction. He revealed the danger of artificial trees: not all of them are made from high-quality and safe materials. The specialist urged to wash such a spruce before installing and let it dry.

In addition, the doctor advised to carefully choose the New Year's menu, since there are “even more allergens” on the festive table. Among them are citrus fruits, pineapples, berries, nuts, chocolate, cocoa, eggs, chicken and seafood.

“I advise you to carefully choose your New Year's menu, excluding from it products that can darken the holiday. Today a large assortment is available to us and it is quite possible to do without them. If you are purchasing a ready-made dish, you should carefully study the composition, ”the specialist emphasized.

The doctor recalled that Russians suffering from allergies need to think about themselves in advance and have medicines on hand that relieve seizures.

Previously, nutritionist Elena Solomatina gave advice on organizing a New Year's feast. On a festive night, she advised to focus on contests, dancing and walking, and not on eating.

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