Home » “Cut off your legs and arms, but don’t come here!”: the occupier, who managed to surrender, addressed the citizens of the Russian Federation

“Cut off your legs and arms, but don’t come here!”: the occupier, who managed to surrender, addressed the citizens of the Russian Federation

by alex

He advises all Russians who have been drafted to flee.

The day before, a video appeared in which a Russian soldier begged for pardon for the pilot Ukrainian drone. He managed to walk 15 kilometers by rail and surrender, and now he encourages others to do the same.

Journalist Yuri Butusov writes about this.

“We were simply deceived. Do what you want – cut off your legs and arms. But don’t come here! It’s me I speak from my own example, I felt it, I saw it”, – called the prisoner.

History of a Russian

As Berezin said, he was mobilized and went through a training ground in Saratov. He was told that after the training in Belarus he would go to Ukraine. The guy immediately disappeared, but was later caught by military police and sent to the front.

“I came here, they said: “You'll go to the third battalion as a rifleman.” They printed out a military ID, a position with a seal. And then it turned out that we were going to storm. I refused right away, but they said that in that case they would simply “smear” me”

After the command found out that Mikhail and his comrade were from the 3000s, they stopped communicating. They said: either the 200th, or captivity.

“There was nothing nearby at all. My comrade couldn't walk, so they decided to blow himself up with a grenade. I wouldn't have lasted him. My comrade got it worse, and I had a concussion, shrapnel wounds. I left my comrade, my weapon, my ammunition and just walked straight ahead. I saw the drone, raised my hands to surrender. I'm glad I met him.

Russian prisoner of war is sure: Vladimir Putin doesn't care how many Russians will lie in this useless, bloody slaughter.

“We are for him (Putin – ed.) – cannon fodder. They sent us and that's it… No one will take them (200 soldiers – ed.)”

After what he went through, the kafir categorically refuses to go to the front again.

“I'd rather cut off my leg or arm! I wasn't going to come here. They'll put me in prison for 5-10 yearsI'd rather serve my time than go to war. For what? Against whom?”

According to him, the Ukrainian military treats the prisoners very well. No one beats them, they feed them, let them smoke.

“Of course, I want to live. 25 years old. Life is just beginning. I want to have a family, children,” — the prisoner summed up.

Let's add that the total combat losses of the Russian occupiers as of June 20 amount to 530,920 people. Over the past 24 hours, another 1,170 invaders have been destroyed.

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