Home » Crying in another room: in Sumy, a drunk mother called the police because her daughter left home

Crying in another room: in Sumy, a drunk mother called the police because her daughter left home

by alex

In Sumy, a 38-year-old woman complained to the police that her 12-year-old daughter had run away from home. The would-be mother was drunk and didn’t even notice that the girl was at home all this time.

The message to line 102 was received at about two o’clock in the morning on February 5. In addition to the investigators, patrolmen and juvenile policemen arrived on call.

In the apartment of the 38-year-old mother, law enforcement officers found mountains of junk and complete unsanitary conditions. The woman assured that the day before she had a fight with her daughter, which forced the child to pack up and escape from home.

Плакала в другой комнате: в Сумах пьяная мать вызвала полицию, потому что дочь ушла из дома

Плакала в другой комнате: в Сумах пьяная мать вызвала полицию, потому что дочь ушла из дома

Плакала в другой комнате: в Сумах пьяная мать вызвала полицию, потому что дочь ушла из дома

Плакала в другой комнате: в Сумах пьяная мать вызвала полицию, потому что дочь ушла из дома

Crying in another room: in Sumy, a drunk mother called the police because her daughter left home / 2 photos

– In the middle of the night, the police interviewed possible witnesses, neighbors, and also called relatives and friends of the girl by phone— – the message says.

However, it later turned out that there was another room in the apartment, where a tearful 12-year-old girl was sitting. She assured me that she did not leave the house that evening.

On a drunken mother, the police made up two administrative protocols at once: according to Article 184 (Failure by parents to fulfill their responsibilities for raising children) and Article 173-2 (committing domestic violence) of the KUoAP. Whether the girl has a father is not noted.

In the near future, the issue of the removal of the child by the guardianship authorities will be resolved.

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