Home ยป Cross the border in 10 hours. List of the least loaded checkpoints

Cross the border in 10 hours. List of the least loaded checkpoints

by alex

You can cross the border in less than 10 hours at seven checkpoints. This was reported by the Embassy of the United States of America in Kyiv.

Despite the large number of people who want to go abroad, you can still find border crossings with a wait of less than 10 hours.

US Embassy Kyiv shared a list of the least busy checkpoints:

  • Higher German (Slovakia)
  • Slemence (Slovakia, pedestrian)
  • Siget Marmatiy (Romania)
  • Halmeu (Romania)
  • Dolgobychev (Poland)
  • Combed (Poland)
  • Ustila (Poland)

According to the State Border Service, checks and border crossing operations have been simplified as much as possible. The list of documents that you need to have when leaving the country has been minimized.

ReadUkrzaliznytsia told which checkpoints to choose for leaving Ukraine

Earlier, Ukrzaliznytsia told how best to cross the border and at what crossings.

The railway operator advised to go in the direction of Slovakia and Hungary and assured that free transfers were organized to all checkpoints of the neighboring countries for traveling abroad.

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