Home ยป Criticized at 34,500 euros: the chef sued the editor of the newspaper for money because he did not like his risotto.

Criticized at 34,500 euros: the chef sued the editor of the newspaper for money because he did not like his risotto.

by alex

According to the plaintiff, the negative review of his dish hurt his business and incurred losses.

The famous chef in Italy Carlo Krakko filed in court against a newspaper for criticizing his risotto. The newspaper wrote a negative review of his signature dish.

This is reported by the Daily Mail.

The case file says that 56-year-old Krakko served a tomato risotto with beef stew at the gala. dinner. Cronaca di Verona editor Achille Ottaviani wrote a harsh review, saying that guests left their dinner at nearby kebab shops because they did not like the taste of the chef's specialty.

It should be noted that the chef whose restaurant received two Michelin stars, served a risotto with tomatoes, lemon, caraway seeds and beef for the holidays.

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