Home » Crisis in Lebanon has been compared to the sinking of the Titanic

Crisis in Lebanon has been compared to the sinking of the Titanic

by alex

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian compared the crisis in Lebanon, which began after the explosion in the port of Beirut, with the sinking of the Titanic. Reported by Reuters.

“Lebanon is Titanic, but no orchestra. The Lebanese completely deny that they are drowning – and all this even without music, ”the minister said in an interview with French journalists. He referred to the popular myth that the famous liner's orchestra continued to play when the ship sank in order to reduce passenger panic.

It is noted that the politician's statement was made against the backdrop of the third in a row visit to Lebanon of French President Emmanuel Macron. The head of France, the agency notes, is outraged by the political situation in the country: Lebanese political forces continue to compete with each other and thus do not allow Lebanon to receive the necessary financial assistance.

The explosion in the port of Beirut thundered on August 4, exploded for a long time, stored in the warehouse of 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate. About 200 people became victims, thousands of people were injured, thousands of houses were damaged.

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