Home » Crimea's attitude to Western sanctions was described with the phrase “he wanted to spit”

Crimea's attitude to Western sanctions was described with the phrase “he wanted to spit”

by alex

Vice Speaker Fix on Western sanctions: Crimea is developing and he wanted to spit on sanctions

Photo: Alexey Pavlishak / Reuters

The first vice-speaker of the Crimean parliament, Yefim Fiks, described the attitude of the peninsula to Western sanctions with the phrase “he didn't care”. He spoke about the impact of the sanctions on RIA Novosti.

“The sanctions of the West are their thing, on which they have bet and are doing this nonsense. But most importantly, their sanctions failed to stop the development of Crimea. Yes, there are, of course, problems, difficulties, but Crimea is alive, Crimea is developing and he wanted to spit on the sanctions, ”said Fix.

According to him, Western countries apply double standards to Crimea. Fix stressed that, on the one hand, they show themselves to be adherents of democracy, and on the other, they do not recognize the democratic expression of the will of the Crimean people in 2014. He added that they do not pay attention to sanctions in Crimea, they do not care at all. “We have tasks that need to be solved so that the life of Crimeans becomes better. We will solve everything with the help of Russia, ”concluded the vice-speaker.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin explained the annexation of Crimea in 2014. He said that Russia could not refuse Sevastopol and Crimea, and found itself in a situation where it could not do otherwise.

Crimea became part of Russia in March 2014 after a referendum in which the overwhelming majority of those who voted in the region supported such a decision. Ukraine, the EU countries and the United States refused to recognize the results of the vote, calling the reunification of the peninsula with mainland Russia an annexation. The Russian authorities reject these charges and insist that the accession procedure was in accordance with international law.

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