Home » Creation of the humanitarian crisis and mobilization in the “DPR”: the results of the 24-day war in Ukraine

Creation of the humanitarian crisis and mobilization in the “DPR”: the results of the 24-day war in Ukraine

by alex

On the 25th day of the Russian war against Ukraine, our defenders continue to effectively resist the Russian invaders.

The air defense of the Air Force shot down three more Russian combat helicopters. This is reported in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

During the day, the enemy did not conduct active offensive operations, concentrating efforts on replenishing current losses, restoring partially destroyed equipment, transferring foreign military mercenaries to the border areas, and solving chronic problems of the active occupation forces with logistics.

The invaders are using terrorist methods to impose a tough administrative and police regime, deliberately creating conditions for a humanitarian crisis in the temporarily occupied territories. So, over the past day, 14 trucks with food and essential medicines left for the Kherson region from the city of Apostolovo, Dnipropetrovsk region.
But the Russian invaders did not let the humanitarian convoy through.

Thus, they are trying to force the local population to collaborate. At the same time, the invaders distribute leaflets with proposals to contact the occupation administration. Citizens are promised the cancellation of credit debts, and local entrepreneurs – preferences in doing business.

It also became known that from the combined detachment of the 331st Guards Airborne Shock Regiment of Kostroma, which participated in the war in Ukraine in the Kiev direction , one soldier survived, who is in the hospital.

Against the backdrop of such circumstances, the command of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is urgently taking measures to replace 130 contract refuseniks of the 810th Marine Brigade with paratroopers of the 7th Airborne Assault Division. The issue of their further service is decided by the FSB.

In addition, in the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk region, Russian curators announced another wave of mobilization to replenish the 1st Army Corps. The age limit for those mobilized has been raised to 65 years.

A similar situation awaits the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk region, given that trucks filled with the bodies of soldiers arrive daily from the zone of operations of the 2nd Army Corps to the settlements of Luhansk, Sorokino and Dovzhanske.

Russian terrorist troops continue to openly violate international conventions on the rules of war. The facts of the use of uniforms of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for carrying out subversive and discrediting actions by Russian saboteurs are massively recorded.

But the defense forces of Ukraine are resolutely eradicating war criminals and mercenaries from Ukrainian soil.

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