Home » COVID in the world: Great Britain introduced strict quarantine, emergency regime announced in Czech Republic

COVID in the world: Great Britain introduced strict quarantine, emergency regime announced in Czech Republic

by alex

COVID in the world: Great Britain introduced strict quarantine, emergency regime announced in Czech Republic

More than a million Russians have already been vaccinated against the coronavirus with the Sputnik V vaccine. The director of the Gamaleya center Alexander Gintsburg told about it. There were no side effects. In the meantime, there were problems overseas with the Pfizer vaccine. Several people have died after being vaccinated. And there is not enough drug for everyone. Even doctors cannot get it. MIR 24 correspondent Anton Shestakov learned about the situation with coronavirus in the world.

In the UK, a third lockdown is being introduced due to the worsening epidemiological situation with the coronavirus. Schools, shops are closed again, residents are prohibited from leaving their homes without a valid reason. On the eve, almost 60 thousand new cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in the Kingdom.

“Our hospitals are now overcrowded, with more coronavirus patients than ever since the start of the pandemic. In England alone, their number increased by almost a third. We need to work harder together to get the situation under control, ”said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In Scotland, until the end of January, leaving the house is only possible on a vital basis. Schools and kindergartens are being closed. It is forbidden to cross the border without a valid reason.

“Based on simulated projections at the current rate, we will have no hospital beds in three, maximum four weeks. This means we need to act very quickly. The new strain is spreading much faster, so the old measures are no longer enough, ”said First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon.

In the Czech Republic, the state of emergency and the curfew is valid until January 22. This directly hit the beer industry in the country. Business is on the brink of disaster. The restaurant owners hoped for relief, but the opposite happened. In protest, beer mugs with lighted candles were displayed in Prague.

In addition, the universal vaccination program is progressing extremely slowly in Europe. Problems arise literally at every stage, from storage and transportation of drugs to their distribution across all 27 EU countries. It turned out to be uneven. For example, in December, Finland received eight times less than promised – only 40 thousand doses of Pfizer vaccine. The European Commission has promised to help pharmaceutical companies and expand production, but has already made it clear that large-scale vaccinations will begin no earlier than April.

COVID in the world: Great Britain introduced strict quarantine, emergency regime announced in Czech Republic

COVID in the world: Great Britain introduced strict quarantine, emergency regime announced in Czech Republic

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    COVID in the world: Great Britain introduced strict quarantine, emergency regime announced in Czech Republic


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    COVID in the world: Great Britain introduced strict quarantine, emergency regime announced in Czech Republic

    COVID in the world: Great Britain introduced strict quarantine, emergency regime announced in Czech Republic


    However, not everyone in Europe is waiting for the vaccine, since the news about the Pfizer vaccine is not comforting. For example, in Brussels, some people have severe allergies. There are even deaths in Portugal and Switzerland.

    Meanwhile, there are no hospital beds left in California. There are not enough doctors, medicines and oxygen. In this regard, the authorities made a very unexpected decision. Ambulance teams no longer have to provide additional oxygen to patients and bring people who may not survive to clinics. We are talking about patients with cardiac arrest and no pulse. Resuscitation should be carried out on the spot, and the patient can be delivered to the hospital only if it has had a positive effect. To provide hospitals with oxygen, the California government enlisted the Army Corps of Engineers. Temporary premises are created to receive ambulance patients.

    Serbia today launched a massive vaccination campaign with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. The country received almost two and a half thousand doses of the drug. And in Ukraine, they are beginning to collect signatures for the registration of the Russian vaccine. The Verkhovna Rada asks to allow the use of “Sputnik V” in the country.

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