Home ยป COVID-19 deaths accelerate during second wave

COVID-19 deaths accelerate during second wave

by alex

Patients with severe COVID-19 during the second wave of the epidemic die twice as fast as in the first. This was found by British scientists based on data from more than 76 thousand cases in the UK, writes The Daily Mail, citing the Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (SAGE).

According to the researchers, from the beginning of the pandemic to August, the patient's death occurred on average 13 days after the first symptoms of coronavirus appeared. Now this period has been reduced to one week. Presumably, such negative dynamics is associated with the fact that people with weak immunity die mainly. More and more patients are being saved thanks to improved treatment for infection.

Scientists have also confirmed that the virus can mutate and become more infectious. At the same time, possible mutations should not affect the severity of the course of the disease.

Earlier, Aghasi Tavadyan, an expert on statistics and modeling at the Center for Economic Research, named the Russian regions with the highest rates of infection. Sevastopol, Buryatia, Chukotka, Mari El, Altai Republic, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Novgorod and Novosibirsk regions were on his list.

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