Home » “Cotton” in Iran: will it derail contracts for the supply of drones to Russia

“Cotton” in Iran: will it derail contracts for the supply of drones to Russia

by alex

The drone attack on Iran has positive consequences for Ukrainians. These events will cast doubt on the likelihood of arms supplies to Russia, which will use them for the war against Ukraine.

About thisChannel 24Ivan Stupak, a former employee of the SBU, an expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future, said. According to him, even special protection systems did not save the Iranians from “cotton.”

What is the significance of the attacks on Iran for Ukraine

Ivan Stupak explained that not all heroes wear capes, so we assume it was Israel.

“Because he has been working to destroy Iran's nuclear program for a long time “, he stressed.

According to him, the Israeli people are also resorting to the elimination of Iranian scientists who, in fact, are working on the nuclear program.

An expert from the Ukrainian Institute for the Future is convinced that the recent events in Iran are playing into the hands of Ukraine.

Such an act unconditionally works in Ukraine, any destruction, damage to the Iranian program for the production of drones, missiles contributes to Ukraine, he focused.

According to Stupak, large shipments of these drones from Iran to Russia should not be expected in the near future. Of course, it is possible that some of them may already be on their way.

“But the program itself will indeed be delayed now: a significant deterioration in logistics, recovery will also be significant,” he added.< /p>

A former SBU employee said that the Iranians, in turn, pulled special nets over the enterprises that prevented the operation of drones. However, apparently, this technique did not work.

Ivan Stupak told whether something will change for Ukraine because of the attacks on Iran: watch the video

Will Iran draw conclusions

At the same time, political scientist Andrei Vigirinsky stressed that in Iran similar attacks are made every year, the objects themselves simply change. Therefore, the Iranians did not have the effect of novelty.

Iran warnings do not work. That is, attempts to use elements of political provocation as of today have reached a dead end,” he explained.

consider this as a signal to stop cooperation with Moscow or stop certain activities related to the implementation of the nuclear program.

According to him, warnings of this nature will not really lead to anything better relations with Iran.

“Going for an even greater escalation is, on the contrary, giving trump cards to the Iranian authorities that their struggle was righteous and true,” he added.

In addition, without knowing exactly which object was hit, we cannot talk about the inevitability of the consequences of a drone attack on Iran.

Andrey Vigirinsky said whether the policy will change Iran due to recent events: watch the video

Drone attack on Iran: breaking news

  • On the night of January 29, drones attacked their defense complex in Iran. Iranian officials said that the country allegedly prevented an attempt by 3 small quadrocopters to attack an ammunition factory in the city of Isfahan near a site belonging to the Iranian Space Research Center. This center was sanctioned by the US because of its work on Iran's ballistic missile program.
  • Explosions in Iran were heard in several cities. In Isfahan, drones attacked one of the centers for the production of ammunition of the country's Ministry of Defense. A massive fire broke out at an oil refinery in the industrial district of Salimi in the city of Azarshahr. Explosions were also reported in the city of Khoy in northwestern Iran. In addition, there is information about explosions at military bases in Hamadan and Karaj.
  • Subsequently, this news was reacted to by the Office of the President of our state. Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Presidential Administration, succinctly stated that “Ukraine warned Tehran”, although he did not voice the details of this incident.
  • It became known that the drone attack on Iran caused considerable damage to enterprises. Despite Tehran's claims that “damage to the workshops is minimal” as a result of the drone attack, the Jerusalem Post does not think so. Actually, they stated, with reference to their own sources in intelligence, that the shelling was a phenomenal success.

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